This year’s Chipiona Carnival Parade, which will be held on Sunday, February 18, will feature a total of eighteen groups and two individuals. Eleven of the groups have up to fifty members and the other seven have more than fifty-one members. This year, participation is expected to increase due to the increase in the number of groups of more than 50 members.

The tour will begin at 2:00 p.m., and it will be along Rule Avenue where the groups will gather in this order. The Badajoz group ‘La Kochera’ will begin, followed by Marielo with ‘Cartonaleza’, followed by the Badajoz group ‘Circus’, the Guadalcacín group ‘El Bollywood andalú’ and the individual Juna José with ‘Sonríele a la vida’ and Mari Carmen with ‘Original Sin’. In seventh place is the group Guillena with ‘Sueños de Arabia’, which will be followed by Los Sin Costuras with ‘Zenon y tó su casta’, Yo Lo Sabo, titled ‘Déjate vení Toreto’ and the Peña Peñita with ‘ ¡ ¡ ¡ Who does not run … it’s becaus it’s flying!. In position number 11 are Scipionis who call themselves ‘The shamans of Scipionis’, followed by Las Espumas under the title of ‘Give me rags and look what I do to you’, Los Paganos with ‘Chipiona is something else’, La Casita de Chocolate and ‘Umpalandia’, La Fusión with ‘Nightmare Before Carnival’ and Los Muñecos with ‘El Awakening’. The last four places are occupied by ‘Al Ándalus’ in position number 17 with ‘Ópera Rock Festival’, followed by Las Galeras with ‘Kintsugi’, Las Momias with ‘Entre Chipiona y Sevilla al fin los coge la vaquilla’ and Los Tercos with ‘Los + Tercos’ who will close the parade.

On this occasion, there will be a prize for group humor of 200 euros, one for the best staging of 500 euros, one for the best costume of 500 euros, one for the best rhythm of 300 euros and one for the best makeup and characterization of 450 euros. . Added to this is a prize for the first classified individual of 450 euros.

As for the prizes for floats and accessories, three of 1,800, 1,300 and 1,000 euros will be awarded. In groups of 50 members or less there will be two of 1,000 and 600 euros and five for groups of more than 50 members with a prize of 2,000, 1,600, 1,200, 800 and 500 euros.

Are you ready to experience this show? We don’t miss it!

News obtained from: